Vor 20 Jahren ist die Berliner Mauer als „befestigte Staatsgrenze“ oder „antifaschistischer Schutzwall“ nach 28 Jahren Existenz gefallen. Google spendiert erwartungsgemäß ein eigenes Logo:
Eine Dominokette von 1000 überdimensionalen Dominosteinen soll an den denkwürdigen Augenblick erinnern, um 20 Uhr heute Abend fallen die Steine so wie seinerzeit die Mauer.
My grandfather was born in 1912 in the village HEIDENSCHAFT, Julian Alps, at that time Austrian Empire. My mother was born in that same village in 1941, when it was Italian with the name AIDUSSINA. From 1947 that village became Yugoslavian and from 1991 it is Slovenian with the name AJDOVŠČINA.
Horrors, crimes, mournings and a lot of borders changings had crossed that village through the 20th century, but since 2007 it is possible to go from Austria and from Italy to that village without hurdles, because Slovenia entered the European Union.
I hope some day all borders histories may become like this and like in Berlin.